Friday, October 3, 2008

The Love of a Child

Last night, at a little past midnight, Logan came and crawled in bed with me. He asked if he could please sleep with me. I told him that he could lay there for a minute, but then had to back to his room. I have NEVER believed in kids sleeping with their parents, and I definitely don't want to start a habit!! So he climbed in bed with me and curled up close and snuggled in. As we lay there I played with his hair and felt him get heavy in my arms. I leaned down and kissed his head and he whispered, "I love you, Mommy."

My eyes welted up and I held him just a little closer. He was already softly snoring and just so sweet and innocent. I felt that connection you feel with your newborn, when they put all their trust in you and let everything go, and wrap themselves into your arm. I didn't kick him out of bed, though I made sure this morning he understood he cannot sleep in my bed!! But it felt so good to feel his innocence, his perfect love. It took me back to the simplest of terms, simplest of love, and it felt sooo good. There is nothing more innocent, pure, and perfect than your childs love.. .. ..

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