Saturday, May 30, 2009

One sheep... two sheep... Not working, just blog...

Insomnia is still lingering (obviously, it's 1:15 a.m.) and that's driving me a little whack. Especially when I have a lot going on this weekend. We have t-ball at 9:00 a.m., the b-day party at 11:00, I need to straighten the house, and I have a date at 6:00. Sunday we are going to watch softball and head back to play in the park with Erica. So I need my sleep. And it's just not happening!! LOL

It was quite a week. In some ways it flew by, in some ways I thought it would never be over. Short work weeks are always a pain. Too much to do and not enough time. Today was a GREAT Friday though.

I got a lot accomplished at work for one. And when the boss needed a report he was stressed on I was on it and was able to extinguish the fire. So I actually had to work on a Friday (there oughtta be a law) but it was good!!

My softball game tonight was AWESOME. I played first, which I haven't done in awhile. I got a few good plays, made some good catches, and just LOVED being back there. I forgot how much I enjoy first base. Took me back to my days of fast-pitch... oh the memories. And my batting was "on" tonight so I had good hits. Winning was just the cherry on the sundae!

Afterwards a group of us went out to pizza. The kids ran around and played games and the grown-ups got to hang out and chat. I love the people I play ball with so it was an added bonus to have extra hang-out time with them.

About my date, before I get asked. Because I know I will be! LOL. I am so jazzed. I *think* I mentioned him earlier, too tired to go look. He messaged me Thursday with some small talk, then solidified the plans for Saturday (oh hell, tonight!!). It was so direct and ... I loved it. Just a simple, "Can I take you out to dinner Saturday?". He's picking me up at 6:00 and we'll go to dinner and who knows.... It's so exciting to go on a *date*. It's been fun talking to him and getting to know him too. We have found we have a lot in common. Oh and you know me and signs ... really weird one HE noticed ... our phone #'s have the same last 4 digits. So random and bizarre, right?? Anyways, I am pretty confident we'll enjoy each others company ... so far I have at least enjoyed his. Can't speak for him. LOL. We will see.. .. ..

Okay, going to go lay down and try again for sleep. I can't look dog-butt tired tomorrow night (agh, tonight!!) and yawn all evening. How horrible would that be??!! .. .. ..


girliesmama01 said...

Have fun tonight. I'm sure you will look gorgerous as usual. :)And yes insomina sucks. I've been trying to figure out how to deal as well, no luck though. See you tomorrow.

Jenn.. .. .. said...

Aw, thanks! I will say, he was very complimentary, especially after finding out how many babies I've had. LOL. Thanks for an awesome visit Sunday!!